Friday, October 24, 2008

Monkeys, explosions, Murphy, and superstitions

My mini assignment 4 is posted here. I took one of the photo series (it had 3 photos) on the k-drive and merged them. I replaced the sky and cropped it. Then, I added a monkey and gorilla and a nuclear explosion. Then I made some text and blended the monkeys and text to look like they are sprayed on the rocks.

No questions for today or concerns. My assignment 8 is posted on my website under 210 assignments.

I can't think of any superstitions. I don't ever open umbrellas indoors because it is supposed to be unlucky. Murphy's law takes away a lot of the motivation to be superstitious (or adds a lot depending on your perspective I suppose.). I believe in a lot of corollaries to Murphy's Law that could be considered superstitious... For example, A dropped object will always hit where it can do the most damage... The reality is that Murphy was probably an optimist...

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