Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Today, I didn't have any questions on the illustrator stuff we covered. I liked learning about the divide tool and will definitely be using that for my paper.

My Halloween plans are to go to a party tonight put on by someone in my ward... I will be dressed up like a soldier and it should be fun!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lines and halloween

Today my ah, HA! moment was the holding shift to keep the line straight trick, that was pretty cool... I didn't have any questions about what we went over today though.

My favorite Halloween costume... I can't think of the last time I wore one... I think did a GI Joe type costume that was pretty cool a long time ago...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Illustrator and the Future

Well, today was the first time I've used Illustrator, but it is a lot like other programs I have used so I don't have any questions about it yet, but I may in the future. I had no a HA! moments today as we went over the basics, but it was good to see what is different from Photoshop.\

What would I like to know about the future... There is a lot I wouldn't like to know, like how I am going to die, who I am going to marry, etc. Those things are best left to be surprises because knowing them could actually change the future... It would be nice to know when the 2nd coming would be or what the best stock for the next 20 years would be...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Monkeys, explosions, Murphy, and superstitions

My mini assignment 4 is posted here. I took one of the photo series (it had 3 photos) on the k-drive and merged them. I replaced the sky and cropped it. Then, I added a monkey and gorilla and a nuclear explosion. Then I made some text and blended the monkeys and text to look like they are sprayed on the rocks.

No questions for today or concerns. My assignment 8 is posted on my website under 210 assignments.

I can't think of any superstitions. I don't ever open umbrellas indoors because it is supposed to be unlucky. Murphy's law takes away a lot of the motivation to be superstitious (or adds a lot depending on your perspective I suppose.). I believe in a lot of corollaries to Murphy's Law that could be considered superstitious... For example, A dropped object will always hit where it can do the most damage... The reality is that Murphy was probably an optimist...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mini Assignment 3 and sports

Ok the top is the finished assignment 4. I took the original and cropped it with the help of the ruler. I adjusted the levels to make it clearer and used gaussian blur and the eraser tool on it. Below is the original. I had no questions for today and no a ha moments.

Yes, I am a sports fan and I cheer for BYU (college) and the New Orleans Saints for professional football. (Go Saints!!!)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall and Photoshop

Well, today we went over photoshop again. I had never used the burn and dodge tool so it was great learning about that today. Everything seemed pretty straight forward today, so I have no questions or concerns at this time.

My favorite fall activity is probably fishing. The weather is often perfect for it and the fish are usually biting. Unfortunately, I won't have enough time this fall, but maybe next year...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Dates and photoshop

Ok, the top picture is edited, while the lower picture is the original. The original was slightly crooked so I adjusted it and cropped it afterwards. I did tweak the levels, color balance, and brightness slightly, but the nature of the picture makes it a little hard to see. I could have looked for another picture, but I heard in class that you would like me to use my own pictures if possible and this was the only viable one I had available on short notice.

As for today, I didn't have any a, HA! moments, but it was fun nonetheless. I also didn't have any questions about what we did today. My best date so far... I think the simple dates are the ones that turn out best for me. Things like making cheap kites out of dowel rods and trash bags, eating lunch at the creamery, going to a play or event on campus, etc. No one of these dates really stands out for me, but they were all my best memories of dating.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

More Photoshop and grevious wounds

Today, I thought that the ruler tool was pretty cool. I had never used it before... I can't think of any concerns or questions about today. Monday's assignment is on the left. I added the text in complementary colors as well as combining and cropping a picture of a monkey with a picture of a car wreck...

My worst injury was likely when I got a biopsy that slightly punctured both lungs. It was painful enough that morphine did little to ease my discomfort. When they put a chest tube in they went in through a muscle, which was painful and rendered my left arm useless for about 24 hrs as well as being quite painful the whole time and when they pulled it out.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Seasons and Photoshop

Today, my ah, HA! moment consisted of learning about the different color settings and what they are for. I had never paid much attention to that in the past so it was good to know. I had a question about where to find a color wheel for the complementary colors assignment, but I found one in those little booklets.

My favorite season is definitely spring. This is especially true since my mission to Northern Japan. The winter there was long and nasty with lots and lots of snow. I was sick for most of that winter and when the spring finally came, it was like a completely different world. The cherry blossoms came on, the air was warm with a cool breeze, people seemed nicer, my sickness ended, and the area I was in seemed to come alive and I saw a lot of success. I have always liked spring, but since then, it has become my clear favorite.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Test Review!!!

Yeah... I don't think there was any ah, HA! moment today besides refreshing my memory about some of the things we have been learning. I have no concerns (beyond what the test questions are...).

My favorite pet is my cat Felix. He has a funny personality and was a comfort when I was fighting cancer. I have another interesting pet that is not my favorite, but is interesting nonetheless. I call him the mafia fish. He grew to fill most of the tank and would bully the other fish until they jumped out of the tank committing suicide. He was one mean fish... There was one fish who survived his tyranny. We found him shriveled up on the floor and when we went to flush down the toilet he started swimming... Apparently he was an African fish capable of surviving outside of water for a while...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

More Excel and High adventure

Well, today, my a HA! moment was seeing where the chart options tabs appear when you click on the graph. I hadn't known where the they went to in 2007, because I learned 2003. My only concern was that I couldn't figure out how to get multiple plots to appear on the same scatterplot. It would give error messages or not appear... I know we didn't try to go over that in class, but it still bugged me...

If money weren't an issue, I would go scuba diving to go and see shipwrecks (and sharks/fish). When I finished with that I would go marlin fishing for the rest of the trip...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Excel and breakfast

The greatest difference was object 36 with a difference of 8,592.5. I didn't have any concerns today due to the excel class I took at BYU a few years back.

My favorite breakfast food is hot chocolate cereal with plenty of sugar with milk. There is nothing like it to get you ready for the day... Mmm... Time to go...

Friday, October 3, 2008

PDFs n' Stuff

Today, my a HA! moment was that making bookmarks appear when PDFs are opened is going to be on the test... ;-)

I had no questions or concerns today.

My musical instrument is the elegant, beautiful, and mighty kazoo. Yes, I know, so difficult to master and the sound brings tears of joy to your eyes, but yes I can play it. Nothing beats the sound of "Amazing Grace" played with a kazoo or the patriotic sound of "The Star Spangled Banner". Unfortunately, I, as a poor college student don't own a kazoo at this time, but if you get a kazoo and want me to play in class then I will.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Acrobats and Relatives

Well, my aHA! moment was when I saw how to do bookmarks in Adobe as I haven't used them before.I didn't have any questions about it for now.

I have a relative that decided to blow up his car with gasoline (and lots of guns) when it died. He also went scuba diving in the Yellowstone river near fishing bridge. He has gone down the subway in Zion when the water was too high (that one almost got him killed...). He has done much much more that can't all be told in 5 minutes...