Monday, September 8, 2008

Learning Word

Well, today I tried not to fall asleep... Just kidding. My AHA! moment today was probably the tab tool. I didn't even know that existed and I can see how helpful that would be for things like the table of contents. I didn't find anything frustrating today with what we covered.

Now for my scar story... Well, I have a few to choose from, but the best is probably when I was messing around with an electric motor with a model airplane propeller attached. I was checking to see if it had power and holding it in my hand when it got a little out of hand and sliced my hand. It was a pretty good sized slice and I went upstairs to show the gruesome wound to my mom and uncles (I was at my relatives place). My Uncle promptly checked the wound and while he squeezed it I saw a cross-sectional view of my skin to the bone briefly and passed out cold. Later two of my Uncles (both dentists) stitched up my hand with lots of extra thick thread so now I have a nice big scar.

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