Wednesday, December 3, 2008

GPS stuff and the next two weeks of D00M!!!

Well, learning how to import GPS data to ArcGIS was pretty cool and I don't have any questions or concerns at this time.

Over the next two weeks the hardest thing will probably be the combination of a Mineralogy midterm followed by the final for that class. Ouch...

Monday, December 1, 2008

ArcGIS and Favorite Internet Site

Well, today I didn't have any questions or concerns because everything worked out good. My a, ha! moment was seeing how to add colors and labels to everything (much more complicated than it needed to be, but it works).

My favorite internet site is probably (for pure laughs), but I have favorites for different things. For news I go to the drudge report, for games I go to and so forth.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

ArcGIS and Thanksgiving plans

Today we did a lot on making 3D elevation maps and it was pretty cool. I didn't have any ah, ha! moments, but I did have a question. My arc scene map was really weird when I overlayed the hillshade over the raster map. It would have boxes with both layers clipping over each other...

My thanksgiving plans are to go to Cody, Wyoming to be with my Aunt and Uncle for thanksgiving.

Friday, November 21, 2008

ArcGIS and Christmas Music

I don't have any ah, HA! moments or questions as of yet...

I've already started listening to some Christmas music, but after Thanksgiving is when I get all of it out.

Monday, November 17, 2008

ArcGIS and favorite place to eat

With arcGIS my ah, ha moment was seeing where to get the data for the maps and my only concern is figuring out where the units are on arial photo at this point.

My favorite place to eat is Perry's Steakhouse in Houston, mmm... melt in your mouth steaks...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Joke time plus Review

No questions or a, ha moments today.

My joke:

Back in the cold war the Americans and the Russians kept building more and more weapons and they realized they were going to destroy each other. So they got together to decide how to end this without wiping each other out, but still having a winner. So, they decided that they would be given 5 years to breed a dog and then they would decide who won the cold war by having a dog fight. So, the Russians went back and they found the meanest, nastiest, siberian wolves and dogs they could find... They bred these dogs and at the end of 5 years they had a vicious monster of a dog. Several of its trainers had lost limb, it took massive thick steel bars to hold this dog, and everyone was scared of it. When the day of the fight came the Russians were confident, but they waited for the Americans to arrive to see for sure. When the Americans arrived with their dog they couldn't help laughing because the Americans' dog was a little Dachsand in a tidy, but standard looking cage and was tiny compared to their dog. When the laughing subsided the Russians shouted, "Lets get this over with!!!" And both sides released their dogs... The Russian one bounded out of its cage with a snarl and the little american dog waddled out of its cage. The Russian dog charged and leaped to tear the Americans' dog limb from limb, but then... Just before it stuck the American Dog opened up wide and swallowed the Russian dog whole.

The Russians stood it disbelief, they couldn't believe it! They walked over to the Americans and said, "How!!! We spent 5 years on that dog, it was the meanest, toughest, biggest dog in all of Russia." The Americans replyed, "Well it took us 5 years to make an Alligator look like a dog."

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Powerpoint and Jessica's Presentation

Today, we went over powerpoint. I liked seeing some of the new features for 2007 like the slide master. I didn't have any questions.

In the presentation by Jessica she didn't sound interested and just vaguely read the slides, she used a lot of ums and ahs, and didn't talk loud. The slides had lots of small text, no theme, hard to read and understand graphics.